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30 de septiembre de 2020【 Network Cabling Service】 Deli Engineering is a Hong Kong engineering company dedicated to service. We specialize in providing one-stop services to various commercial organizations, schools in various districts, organizations, small and medium-sized enterprises, office buildings, shops, etc. ...27 de abril de 2021We provide CCTV cabling service and installation. Dahua cctv installed on the ceiling and CCTV monitor installed on the wall service. Please contact us to provide a quote.14 de marzo de 20213月14日於新都會寫字樓 電位,上網線,電話線路重新安裝拉線做喉工程~ CCTV閉路電視網絡監控全新安裝, 門口安裝密碼鎖進出 如有興趣可聯絡我報價,致電6290-9914(GARY)19 de mayo de 2020為多個康文署娛樂場地做喉拉線工程, 目的是為日後加裝電子時鐘作準備電源及網絡 一站式做鐵喉管, 拉電線,MCB駁FUSE制, 測試電壓, 拉網線及試線, 最後補上合適油漆7 de abril de 2020為荃灣的一個康文署室內室外泳池做鐵喉管及拉線工程,目的是為日後在泳池內加裝電子顯示鐘作電源及網絡準備工作 一站式做鐵喉管, 拉電線,MCB駁FUSE制, 測試電壓, 拉網線及試線, 最後補上合適油漆11 de marzo de 2020為一個康文署的高爾夫球場做鐵喉管及拉線工程, 目的是為日後在多個位置加裝電子顯示鐘給客人隨時觀看 一站式做鐵喉管, 拉電線,MCB駁FUSE制, 測試電壓, 拉網線及試線, 最後補上合適油漆
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Tel: (852) 3500-3851
whatsapp: 3500-3851
Email: Gary@deliec.com
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